Space STEM Camp Application Fee Form

The completed application form and payment is due no later than April 1, 2023.  Applications can be sent via email to with the subject line “Space STEM Camp Application,” or mailed to/dropped off at Falconer Central Schools, 2 East Avenue North, Falconer NY 14733. Mailed/delivered applications must be received (not postmarked) by April 1, 2023.

Payment: A $20 application fee is required with the application. There are two payment options for the fee. Refunds will be processed if a student does not receive a camp slot. 

  1. PayPal / Credit Card: use the form below. Fee is $21 (includes $1 service charge) per student.
  2. Pay via check payable to:  MMMAA, Inc. (Marshal Martz Memorial Astronomical Association, Inc.) and mailed for receipt by April 1, 2023 to:
    MMAAA, Inc.
    P.O. Box 14, 176 Robbin Hill Road
    Frewsburg, NY 14738-0014

If paying online, you must fill out and submit both forms, below. The top form is for information and the PayPal section is for online payment.

    select number of students AND payment method