The observatory has two large domes in addition to a roll-off-roof enclosure that house telescopes available for member use. The Martz dome houses a 24” Dall-Kirkham telescope with a 16” Ritchey-Chrétien wide field telescope attached to it. These are fully autonomous scopes that can be remotely controlled from the observatory control room and off site. They are used for imaging deep sky objects as well as asteroids, comets and Moon. The Kohl dome houses a 20” Classical Cassegrain telescope and a 5” Takahashi Refractor. A Dobsonian 13” telescope is housed under the roll-off-roof among several other telescopes of various design features, including 8″ and 12” Schmidt–Cassegrain catadioptric telescopes, all of which can be setup quickly for the enjoyment of visitors.
Observatory members get free training on how-to-use various telescopes and can borrow one to take home for a period of time. Become a member now!