Not ready to be a member? You can still contribute to the observatory by making a donation. For questions or comments, use our contact form.
Membership Application/Renewal
Anyone expressing an interesting in joining the Marshal Martz Memorial Astronomical Association, Inc. can become a member upon submission of a membership application and approval by a majority of the Board of Directors. The applicant may undergo a background check at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Membership year coincides with the fiscal year, which is October 1st through September 30th.
Membership levels
- Student membership: $15
Available to K-12 or full or part-time students at an accredited institution. Student memberships have regular membership privileges except voting and holding office. - Individual membership: $35
Full privileges including one vote and the ability to hold an office. - Family membership: $50
Full privileges for all family members, two votes maximum, and the ability to hold an office. - Supporting (Individual or Family): $100
A portion of your dues are a tax-deductible donation that helps support our educational mission.
Benefits of membership
- Members will have access to use the facilities and equipment, including telescopes.
- Members are advised of activities through our bi-monthly newsletter.
- Increase your knowledge of astronomic and/or skill of observing through the collective knowledge and comradery of the membership.
- Free lectures and presentations related to astronomy.
- Public viewing nights and stargazing parties.
- Involvement with educational outreach programs, if interested.
- Reduced subscription rates to “Astronomy” and “Sky & Telescope” magazines.
Membership Application/Renewal Form
Fill out the online form below and submit using the green “submit” button. You can pay using the online payment form below the application or send check payable to MMMAA to 176 Robbin Hill Road, P.O. Box 14, Frewsburg, NY 14738. You can also choose to download a printable (PDF) version of the form and mail with check.
fields marked with * are required
Use dropdown menu to select type of membership BEFORE selecting payment method
Kohl Dome

Educational Activities

Martz Dome