The Origin and Evolution of Galaxies

The universe is populated by a vast arrangement of large-scale structures consisting of stars and gas and dust called galaxies. Physicist, Mike Stafford, considers events starting “shortly” after the Big Bang and provides the current theory of where these structures came from and how they have changed over time. He discusses the properties of galaxies and why they have those properties, how galaxies evolve and how galaxies interact with each other. This talk is non-mathematical with the physics needed to understand explained along the way.

Mike Stafford, now semi-retired, taught at Penn State University full time and Gannon University as an adjunct for 37 years. His primary interest in physics is classical mechanics. Mike is a licensed airplane pilot with single and multi-engine land certification. He is also a licensed parachute rigger and expert skydiver with 3,700 jumps! Mike says, “as a physicist, interested in everything, I am able to speak on any subject, sometimes coherently.”


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